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Fire Extinguisher

ABC Type Fire Extinguisher

Abc Type Fire Extinguisher Covers A,B,C Class Of Fires Which Include Papers, Wood, Cloth Rubber, Plastic & Inflammable Liquid .

Clean Agent Type

The main application of the system is for data centres, server rooms or UPS rooms where important data is stored or expensive material is placed which you cannot afford to lose in case of fire.

Co2 Type Fire Extinguisher (2kg, 3.2kg, 4.5kg)

Carbon-Dioxide (CO2) fire extinguishers are used for class B and C fires. CO2 Fire extinguishers contain carbondioxide, which is heavier than Oxygen.

Co2 Type Fire Extinguisher (6.8kg, 9kg, 22.5kg)

Carbon-Dioxide (CO2) fire extinguishers are used for class B and C fires. CO2 Fire extinguishers contain carbondioxide, which is heavier than Oxygen.

Water Co2 Type Fire Extinguisher (9 Litre)

Water Co2 Type Fire Extinguisher Covers Paper, plastic, Clothes, Wood, Cotton Mills, Jute Mill, Textiles etc.

Water Co2 Type Fire Extinguisher (50 Litre)

Water Co2 Type Fire Extinguisher Water Co2 Type Fire Extinguisher Covers Paper, plastic, Clothes, Wood, Cotton Mills, Jute Mill, Textiles etc..

Mechanical Foam Type (9 Litre)

We bring to our clients Fire Extinguishers Mechanical Foam Type. These are designed to extinguish A & B class of fire involving wood, paper, cloth, textile, stationery.

Mechanical Foam Type (50 Litre)

We bring to our clients Fire Extinguishers Mechanical Foam Type. These are designed to extinguish A & B class of fire involving wood, paper, cloth, textile, stationery.

Fire Ball Type

Fire Extinguishing Ball is a ball shaped fire extinguisher. Simply thrown into a fire, it will activate within 3 seconds and effectively disperse-extinguishing chemicals.

Kitchen Type

Suitable for use on class A (solid combustibles), class B (flammable liquids) and class F (burning fats) fires. Our kitchen fire extinguishers act as standard fire extinguishers on the more common categories of fire, while avoiding the risk of violent reactions when tackling fat fires, such as deep fat fryers.

Modular Type

Doesn't require cumbersome piping ,easy to install , and available in Dry Powder and Clean Agent variants .Modular Fire Extinguishers are fitted with an automatic sprinkler valve , that can be calibrated to discharge at an ambient temperature of 57 degrees Celsius ,68 degrees Celsius, 79 degrees Celsius.

ABC Trolley Mounted Extingusher

Abc Type Fire Extinguisher Covers A,B,C Class Of Fires Which Include Papers, Wood, Cloth Rubber, Plastic & Inflammable Liquid .

DCP Type Fire Extinguisher

DCP Type Fire Extinguisher Covers Petroleum, Diesel, Flammable and volatile liquids. For Petrol pumps, Gas Filling Stations, Oil refining Industries etc.

DCP Type Fire Extinguisher (25kg)

DCP Type Fire Extinguisher Covers Petroleum, Diesel, Flammable and volatile liquids. For Petrol pumps, Gas Filling Stations, Oil refining Industries etc.

DCP Type Fire Extinguisher (50kg)

DCP Type Fire Extinguisher Covers Petroleum, Diesel, Flammable and volatile liquids. For Petrol pumps, Gas Filling Stations, Oil refining Industries etc.

DCP Type Fire Extinguisher (75kg)

DCP Type Fire Extinguisher Covers Petroleum, Diesel, Flammable and volatile liquids. For Petrol pumps, Gas Filling Stations, Oil refining Industries etc.

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